UPSC 2022 Exam Pattern

 Exam Pattern For UPSC – 2022

  • The IAS examination pattern consists of three stages which are mentioned as following:

Stage 1 – Preliminary examination of IAS prelims
Stage 2 – Mains examination of IAS mains
Stage 3 – UPSC personality test of IAS interview.

  • Following are the Details Provided Related to the IAS Prelims Examination:
  • Questions of prelims examination consist of objective or multiple-choice questions.
  • There exists a negative marking for every incorrect answer in the UPSC Prelims examination which includes one-third of the marks allotted to the particular question.
  • The General Studies Paper 2 in the IAS examination is qualifying in nature and candidates are required to acquire a 33% minimum in the paper to qualify for the next stage in the IAS examination.
  • Blind candidates are given extra time of 20 minutes in each paper of prelims IAS examinations.
  • The candidates must appear in both the papers of the civil service prelims examination for the purpose of evaluation.
  • Candidates who did not score the cutoff marks are eliminated as it is only a screening test.

Following is the Detailed Analysis Described by UPSC Mains.

  • There are different mediums of writing the UPSC civil service IAS Mains examination such as different languages Hindi, English, and others listed in the 8th schedule of the Indian Constitution.
  • The students who secured above the prospect cut-off marks in the Mains examination would be eligible for the next stage and would be provided summons for personality tests.
  • The candidates are provided a final ranking on the basis of their marks in the Mains examination and personality test.

Best UPSC Coaching in Lucknow

The most common question asked about IAS is how can I crack the IAS examination and which is the best coaching institute for the preparation of the IAS examination. One of the best and most well-known IAS coaching in Lucknow is Prayatna IAS Coaching in Lucknow. To ensure that the students are ready for the exam, this coaching center regularly conducts test series in an attempt to grow. Prayatna IAS provides frequent sessions for students to clear their doubts, this coaching center helps them in improving their performance.

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